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Sufficient Earning for PR

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:16 am
by Kuzelee
Hello. i am no eea presently going through a divorce , been married since december 2011, but decree of absolute is yet to be out..the eea as been self employed since 2011, and i have all her tax self assessment tax calculation till 2015/2016 and she started full time employment 2015 till present
I understand Ho is very strict with self employment application .Question is : her earnings for the year 2012-2013 and year 2013-2014 is very low, but she made and amendment to increase the earnings for this years through hmrc. , hmrc received the amendment and they sent her letter starting that , in view of the amount involved they do not intend taking any action to collect the further tax due for each year. Also question is : can i add this letter along with the application when i submit for pr? also , she as been paying class 2 national insurance contribution from the date she started self employment and the receipt is also available.Also regarding supporting documents to add for her self employment and showing her business is still active.
she as payslip for her employment which is started 2015 till date and she also have her invoices for self employment , receipt, business materials , such as flyers and business card, also she is on yell page for her business.
Pls gurus help out , any advice will be highly appreciated.i have visited a solicitor who told me everything i have should be alright to shot for PR, but i want more advice pls
Eea national :
2011/2012- Earnings ok
2012/2013- Earnings low
2013/2014- Earnings low
2014/2015-Earnings ok
2015 till date (full time employment with payslips)

The years earnings are low, an amendment was made with hmrc to increase earnings, but hmrc sent a letter indicating they have received the amendment but they can confirm that in view of amount involved, they do not intend taking any action to collect any tax due for this year...
I the non Eea, i have been in full time employment till date and i have proof of address we lived together from the beginning of our marriage till date.

Re: Divorce/ROR & PR on the basis of Separation

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:21 pm
by too old

1, If you apply for RoR you will need her treaty right from your marriage till decree absolute is issued to be successful with that application and it depends where you live,

4, .But RoR is refused that is the end if you cannot convince them possibly during appeal.

Wise as per my understanding going for divorce followed by ROR application i would need to have evidence of her being qualified at the date when the divorce is finalized not the whole 4.5 years of marriage. correct? How does it depend on where i Live?


How refusal of ROR is the end provided the EEA national was qualified at the end of marriage and issuance of decree absolute?

Many Thanks for getting back. I am posting this for the benefit of the readers and my personal knowledge.


Re: Divorce/ROR & PR on the basis of Separation

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:24 pm
by too old
Kuzelee wrote:Hello. i am no eea presently going through a divorce , been married since december 2011, but decree of absolute is yet to be out..the eea as been self employed since 2011, and i have all her tax self assessment tax calculation till 2015/2016 and she started full time employment 2015 till present
I understand Ho is very strict with self employment application .Question is : her earnings for the year 2012-2013 and year 2013-2014 is very low, but she made and amendment to increase the earnings for this years through hmrc. , hmrc received the amendment and they sent her letter starting that , in view of the amount involved they do not intend taking any action to collect the further tax due for each year. Also question is : can i add this letter along with the application when i submit for pr? also , she as been paying class 2 national insurance contribution from the date she started self employment and the receipt is also available.Also regarding supporting documents to add for her self employment and showing her business is still active.
she as payslip for her employment which is started 2015 till date and she also have her invoices for self employment , receipt, business materials , such as flyers and business card, also she is on yell page for her business.
Pls gurus help out , any advice will be highly appreciated.i have visited a solicitor who told me everything i have should be alright to shot for PR, but i want more advice pls
Eea national :
2011/2012- Earnings ok
2012/2013- Earnings low
2013/2014- Earnings low
2014/2015-Earnings ok
2015 till date (full time employment with payslips)

The years earnings are low, an amendment was made with hmrc to increase earnings, but hmrc sent a letter indicating they have received the amendment but they can confirm that in view of amount involved, they do not intend taking any action to collect any tax due for this year...
I the non Eea, i have been in full time employment till date and i have proof of address we lived together from the beginning of our marriage till date.
first of all it would be ideal for you to open another thread.

Additionally if your ex has been qualified throughout dont worry. More information which clarifies your situation further is good. Your employment is only required and matters after the divorce.


Re: Sufficient Earning for PR

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:05 pm
by Obie
I have split this post, as i found it unacceptable to hijack people's post.

Re: Sufficient Earning for PR

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:42 pm
by Kuzelee
Ok thanks

Re: Sufficient Earning for PR

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:52 am
by Kuzelee
Any more advice pls from gurus regarding my situation .will be really appreciated