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Does the home office send back documentations you sent them as evidence for your PR application?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:13 pm
by verty
Hey Ya,

I applied for my PR about 2 - 3 months ago.
I haven't heard back anything from the home office. I did the online application form and got my passport verified at my local council and they sent off all the paper work for me.

Question is, when the home office decides, will they send back all my paper work. i.e./ P45, P60, Bank statements, ect?
I didn't include an envelope to send the stuff back. Concerned they won't send it back to me. I need all the documents back as they are originals.

If someone can please let me know.


Re: Does the home office send back documentations you sent them as evidence for your PR application?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:35 pm
by randomperson
They sent all my originals (like you, I used the passport return service) back with the approval when it came. I also didn't include a return envelope.