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ILR vs Extension of 5yr Residency

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:05 am
by Dandp
Hi all,

I’m a british national my husband is Albanian. We used the surinder singh route and his 5 year residency is about to run out on 8th May. We are preparing to apply for ILR but struggling with the costs. I’ve been doing some more reading and wondering now if it’s worth renewing his residency permit instead?
Will a non-eu national be able to register for settlement after brexit the same as an eu national? He’ll have lived here more than 5years and earns more than 18,000 a year.
Any advice much appreciated!

Re: ILR vs Extension of 5yr Residency

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:49 am
by CR001
If he is on a residency card under the EEA/EU rules after you did the Surinder Singh route, then he applies for PR under the EU regs, costs £65, once he has 5 years residence.

He can only apply for ILR if he holds a spouse settlement visa.