help2imm wrote: βSat Apr 11, 2020 10:20 am
snooky wrote: βSat Apr 11, 2020 1:09 am
help2imm wrote: βFri Apr 10, 2020 2:49 pm
Hi All,
Do not know if jumped into wrong topic though seems like could get useful information.
The scenario is Applicant with no prior ltr applied via drf1 as a carer of a British born infant (grand daughter) at end of February 2020 with child arrangement order (having shared parental responsibility with child father as mother is deceased). Upon checking here everyone stating needs to call HO to get application form though the one applicant filled was drf1 form on HO website also a paper application as well.
First and foremost question if drf1 application is valid or not...
Thanks in Advance.
Your Drf1 under Regulations 2020 aka Regulations 16 is right and valid under EEA.
You can phone the settlement scheme people after covid19 to request for a form under EU Settlement Scheme for Zambrano Dr.
My advice will be wait for the Drf1 to go through before because HO isn't issuing EU Settlement Scheme status for would be Zambrano unless you have been issued under EEA before
Dear Snooky,
Thanks for the valuable response.
Now anxious to know what are the chances of drf1 application in context of your response that would be Zambrano are not being issued status under EU Settlement Scheme. Would not drf1 be decided under the same set of rules and regulations as would be Zambrano under EU Settlement Scheme?
Thank you in advance.
Good question
First of all, let me start by explaining some dirty legal loopholes that HO have used under Article 15 of the WA. Appendix EU immigration. (CITIZENS RIGHT)
When HO adopted the most of the EU rules into the new appendix eu immigration, there was minor changes and omissions which they have fought with their blood to close the EEA route within the settlement scheme.
The settlement scheme itself though alot of controversies, is more generous than domestic immigration pathway.
The good news is that HO is still under obligation to Issue BRC and to confirm people's right under EU Article 20 of TFEU.
The courts are also adhering to all the case laws and maintaining dignity to uphold the EU law as we are still technically in. We call it implementation period.
Now to your question, HO has misrepresented the case of Patel vs SSHD since it resulted in 2017 and its final ruling at the supreme court on 16 December 2019 whereas HO lost and still not changing the policy guidelines to reflect the supreme courts ruling.
Though minor changes have been made to the Zambrano guidance by the HO sin February this year, it is still not reflecting the courts interpretation of Zambrano.
This minor change inserted to the guidance not was that, at the end of decision about an application made under EUSS Zambrano, if the applicant has less than 28 days left or with no leave then the Caseworker should proceed to grant as failure will compel the union minor child to leave the member state.
This has not taken out the barriers that has hinders peoples choice of making application under EEA by choice. Money is the reason HO is misbahaving this way.
By doing Zambrano under EEA, you actually stand the chance of winning derivative right under regulation 2020(in past R 16).
Why I I says so is that, EUSS is not under EU's jurisdiction and for that matter its implementation is solely a promise by the British government to secure the rights of EU citizens and their families including TCNs. All things in WA have been agreed during the bargain chip period.
With EEA Zambrano, it is still under the jurisdiction of EU so HO would have to respect its rulings and implementation. Breaching it can result to court.
Remember what we have seen most since CA ruling on Patel vs SSHD in May 2019, HO have refused every Zambrano to close the door for people to qualify for EUSS Zambrano. (HO under estimated the People who will qualify for it until hundreds of thousands saw the loopholes in free ILR and applied under the WA euss)
Most all most all refusals unde Zambrano EEA that went to FTT was allowed on basis of HO decision to refused
1. Not compatible with Article 20 of TFEU
2. Not in compliance with Zambrano C34/09
3. Not within Article 7 of the regulations
4. Breach of section 55
5. Against UNCRC 3
6. Misrepresentation of Regulations 2020 aka Reg 16
7. Failure to follow Case laws under Patel
8. Disregard to already assessed Derivative Holders
9. HO high fees exclude people to domestically regularized
So in a null shell, HO has left Zambrano Derivative applications to the courts to decide and when you are allowed through appeal process, then you can be lawfully gain the EUSS Zambrano Dr either SETTLED OR PRESETTLED Status.
Most of us have to go court after HO refused our in time application for renewal under Zambrano EEA last year and put our EUSS application in limbo. This is after we have done 5 years already and have assessed as Zambrano Carers
After successfully going to courts for reinstatement then that we had our settled status thereafter.