erasmusdt wrote:
Yes I know...been there before and yes you may have a 14 year old stay at home granted the enviroment is safe, the children resposible and their needs taken care of.
People we lived in the UK for 5 years...these things you raise isnt news and you need not conscern yourselves with these issues as we have crossed all these bridges many times. We are rather apt at living in the UK. The only questions we had was regarding visitors visas as we never dealt with those but on other matters you are bringing up things we have solutions to.
All your questions are predicated on getting visit visas which is an expensive approach when you have concerns about IHS surcharge in first place.
It is most unlikely they will be granted with the history of ancestry visas and one parent on or applying for ancestry visa again.
It declares your hand and gives the game away.
Child will most likely be viewed as a potential overstayer not as someone who will diligently return home and apply as an ancestry dependent later.
The clearest, lowest immigration risk way ahead is to leave minors in school in home country until visas are financed and secured.
Rather than attempting to use visit visas as a proxy for childcare whilst disrupting education at a critical age.