louise2 wrote:Hi White Emerald. I do feel they are deliberately delaying this i know no evidence, its just my personal opinion, but i really do, and it worries me in my mind i think, will they find anything to delay it or worse still refuse it. I cannot understand how these "people" who work for the home office can be so cruel, playing god with peoples lives. My husband and I both work , law abiding people, our crime i dont earn the 18.600pa, and i cant with two children under 14yrs to support by myself.
With regards to your question i have been told that after the 6 months i can call and they will give me updates. In my head what takes so long to process our renunciations? they have a Irish passport , they have a British passport, the fee is long paid, its my right surely to decide if i wish to renounce, not theirs?
I specifically requested that my Irish passport be sent back as soon as possible as I needed it for travel. Remarkably, they sent it back within a week of taking the fee; although, they also originally told me: "your request for British citizenship is under consideration"
I then sent another recorded delivery letter pointing out this mistake, but before it even reached them I got the correct one; so someone had realised their error.
I really feel for you as I've never heard of anyone waiting this long. I wouldn't say they're cruel per se; rather, they've been instructed to make the process as difficult as possible. It's all part of a wider clamping down on immigration I feel and a desire to remain in the EU [possibly] but with the right to adapt the immigration rights as they see fit. I'm sure this loophole is going to be closed in the future. However, what reason could they have to refuse renunciation? If you have a second passport, then you have the right to consider yourself a citizen of another country. I'm sure I speak for everyone here, In hoping you receive your RN in the next 2 weeks. It feels like you're on the frontline with the 6 months so close.