by SFS2016 » Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:21 pm
Joint application EEA, NON EU and two Kids EEA
Time Line
Application sent: 16/03/2016
Received HO : 17/03/2016
Payment taken : 24/03/2016 Debit card
Email Received : 12/04/2016
BIO Letter recev: 15/04/2016 dated 11/04/2016 NON EU
Bio submitted : 15/04/2016 NON EU
COA Received : 25/04/2016 NON EU
DCPR : Waiting
I have a question, I submitted employment proof from 2010 till 2016. I was working part time 2010 till 2012. With annual income about 4K. But since 2012 until now full time. My partner non EU was in full time employment since 2006.
That part time employment can affect and delay in decision? We are really confused, and worried. Its about 160 days....