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Can I work as employee in another company on Innovator Founder visa?

Only for Start-Up Visas and Innovator Visas

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Can I work as employee in another company on Innovator Founder visa?

Post by rinat_rinat » Wed Jan 01, 2025 6:21 pm


I've got a bit confused with conditions of Innovator Founder visa. In visa description on it says that you can do work outside your business, as long as it’s ‘skilled work’ - for example, a job on the Skilled Worker eligible occupations list or a job needing at least a level 3 qualification.

But if I read Immigration Rules Appendix for Innovator Founder, in conditions of grant it says:

"INNF 14.2. The grant will be subject to the following conditions:
(b) no work, other than working for the business(es) the applicant has established or other employment, where that other employment is in a role that requires a skill level of not less than RQF Level 3;
INNF 14.3. In INNF 14.2.(b), working for the business(es) does not include any apprenticeship or any work pursuant to a contract of service, whether express or implied and whether oral or written, with another business, (which means successful applicants cannot fill a position or hire their labour to another business, even if the work is undertaken through contracting with the applicant’s own business or through a recruitment or employment agency)."

This INNF 14.3 is really confusing as it's not clear if it applies to conditions of the employment in your own business/company or to any other employments in other companies (even if it's a skilled worker job).

Does anybody have experience working for another company on Innovator Founder visa? Or any information from trusted immigration lawyers about this topic?

Thank you!

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