Hello All,
I arrived in the UK on a Global Talent Visa (GTV) along with my wife (GTV dependent) in September 2021. Our visas are valid until September 2026. My wife had to travel to India to deliver our child and for her medical treatment and has been there since (close to 18 months). Recently, I was granted ILR under the 3-year GTV requirement. Based on her eVisa, I understand that her dependent visa could be cancelled if she does not return to the UK within 2 years. I believe this rule applies even to ILR holders.
Due to some unavoidable circumstances, she needs to stay in India for at least one more year. If her dependent visa gets cancelled, would it be a problem for her to apply again for a spouse visa in 2026 or later?
To keep her visa valid, I am also thinking of arranging a travel for her to the UK for a short stay (around one week or so) and then returning to India, effectively breaking the 2-year rule.
Would it be okay to keep her visa valid?
Is there any minimum duration she must spend in the UK during this visit to satisfy the requirements?
I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance on this matter.
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