Dear All,
I have been on Global talent Visa for 3 years and would like to apply for Indefinite leave to remain for myself and my 2 children (under 16).
My partner is not eligible yet because she needs to stay at least five years.
Currently, she is on Global Talent Visa as dependent on my visa. She will apply to extend her visa after I get ILR. We all as a family live together.
My question is: can I apply for Indefinite leave to remain for me and my kids without my wife because she is not eligible yet?
We live together but I am the only parent who covers all expenses for your children (housing, food, education, etc.).
If not possible, what kind of sole responsibility should I provide?
Can this be made at a Public notary to state that she allows them to apply for ILR?
This point is not clear to me.
Anyone has experience or faced such issue before?
BTW: we all came together to UK on my visa.
Thanks in advance for your help
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