Meelow wrote: ↑Thu Feb 20, 2025 2:22 pm
Hi I would like to find out if anyone has been waiting over 12 months for extension flrp. Submitted my application in dec 2023. No fee waiver have written to Mp and always same reply. The HO can really frustrate individuals.
Hi Meelow, sorry to hear yours also taking time , the HO is a shambles, badly run, badly managed, huge back log, but whilst I have been waiting I seen many put in applications after me and get a result quicker so god knows what going on, and plus I been granted 2.5 years before a few times so I dunno what's going on with this last one maybe I just got a dearly beloved case worker lol i will contact my MP again this week , also write to the home office ,and I might even submit a PAP a pre action protocol , which ukvi have to respond in 15 days with reasons for delays and it might even make them decide quicker as the pap is letter threatening take them to court, i will request freedom of information act files coz it can show details about the case , so the battle still wages on , I have a Jamaican friend and a Asian guy both married got children been in UK 10 years and they also been waiting over a year for their application, they keep replying they still considering, I like to know what exactly are they bloody considering, they got all my details on the system , they granted me visas multiple times , it's an easy case , but one year on they still considering, it is mentally draining and affects family members aswell ,but if you get through this you can do anything in life coz nothing is worse than dealing with the home office.