by the way
here is the document which was used for equivelence. we should always try to help out our nationals
Batchelor of Arts (Pass) are equivalent to UK A levels
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) is considered comparable to Certificate of Higher Education CertHE / Year 1 of Bachelor degree standard
Bachelor of Science (Pass) is considered comparable to Certificate of Higher Education CertHE / Year 1 of Bachelor degree standard
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Is considered comparable to
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) / Year 2 of Bachelor degree standard
Bachelor of Technology (Pass) is considered comparable to Certificate of Higher Education CertHE / Year 1 of Bachelor degree standard
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) Is considered comparable to British Bachelor ordinary degree standard
Bachelors (4 Year) Degrees in generally professional fields are considered comparable to British Bachelor ordinary degree standard
Bachelor of Engineering Is considered comparable to British Bachelor
degree standard
Masters Is considered comparable to British Bachelor ordinary degree standard
Masters (2 year) degrees in generally professional fields are considered comparable to British Bachelor degree (honours) standard
Masters of Philosophy is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree (honours) standard
Masters of Engineering is considered comparable to a British taught Masters