She said: " The rules are as following:
you cannot leave the building, ( Iwas tempted to ask what happens if there is a firedrill but kept my stum)
cannot read any paperwork you might have brought with you
switch your mobile off right now
and please be seated where you can be viewed (what is that all about?)
Any ways, got called for the interview and it took about 15minutes.
He asked me:
spell my full name and surname
Have I changed names recently - (well if you could call getting married 10 years ago recent)
Where was I born country and city
Husband's full name
Current address
Previous address
Who lives at this address with me
House bought or rented
Contact numbers on form (including area code)
If I put down an email address and if so what is it
How did I send the form
What did I post with my application
How did I send it
How was it paid
Have I got my documents back
On which basis am I applying for BP
When did I have naturalisation ceremony and where
Full name of mother (including previous surname), DOB and where she was born
Full name of father, DOB and where he was born
Name of sponsor and age
How do I know her and how long.
How many accounts/loans/credit cards/mortgages and where held
and that was it, my whole life summed up in 15 minutes.
I had to laugh, he said thank you for coming to the interview (like I have a choice).
all the best to anyone who still has to do it. I hope my journey to being british is now completed to BIA's satisfaction