by mbrp » Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:31 am
I am not a Guru in English. But, I have slightly re-worked the draft from language perspective - made a few things a bit subtle. I have also taken a little liberty to remove a few things that I felt which could back fire on us. For example: if we say that other countries welcome us, UK could say "Go there".
Please have a look.
Dear Mrs. May,
We are a group of legitimate, existing Tier1(General) migrants currently employed in highly skilled jobs in the UK. We would like to express our views and concerns about closure of Tier1(General) route and the lack of information about its impact on us.
It is clear from your speech and subsequent announcements on UKBA website that closing Tier1(General) migration route effective April 2011 is one of the key steps to control burgeoning immigration. However, the communication released so far does not clearly and comprehensively articulate the impact of proposed policy changes on us - apart from a terse statement confirming closure of Tier1(General) route.
We are well educated and highly skilled economic migrants who have always remained on the right side of the law. We have not forced our way into the UK nor usurped the host country through deception. Our positive contributions in economical and technological terms are already acknowledged by the MAC, local businesses, think-tanks, Universities and various other public bodies including the NHS.
Having sacrificed our previous lives and careers, we are now in the process of finding a new life in the UK. We have assets, mortgages, businesses, school-going children, friends and family here. The framework of Tier1(General) encouraged us to have reasonable expectations and proceed towards a more settled life hoping for long term stability.
We do acknowledge that a minority of the Tier 1(General) migrants have failed to land in highly skilled jobs. Perhaps a thorough investigation could shed light on how the socioeconomic reasons such as recession forced highly skilled migrants to take up low-skilled jobs. We are also concerned that neither the Government nor the media have confirmed that such migrants were not in breach of their visa conditions. Even the worse of us, if one could term them so, has stayed on the right side of the law.
Unfortunately, the recent modifications to the immigration policy and the way those modifications were communicated have undermined the legitimacy, importance, positive contributions and sacrifices made by the majority of Tier1(General) migrants. We are naturally adversely affected by it. Lack of comprehensive information explaining the future for us has put us in an elevated state of anxiety adding insult to injury.
Believing in values such as fairness and justice, which the UK has practiced (or perhaps invented) for a long time, we request for an unambiguous assurance that no change will be made to the extension and settlement criteria for existing Tier1(General) migrants. Any deterrent to extension and settlement would mean a confirmation that the UK has indeed undermined the legitimacy, importance, positive contributions and sacrifices that we have made so far. Thus, being pushed back to the proverbial square-one, we would then have to start an emotional, stressful and a risky process of rebuilding our lives elsewhere. Such a scenario would put us both in lose-lose situation.
There are several roots and reasons for us to love the UK and be thankful for it. Though there are key challenges, we remain open for meaningful integration. Being British is an emotional aspect that cannot be captured by immigration status or race. We are continuously demonstrating that we are earning our right to be settled – just like the way you intended us to be. Putting us in the same basket with those who are less committed to the UK is unfair and perhaps unjustifiable.
The Government can count on our continued contributions to the UK. We also welcome and support Government initiatives aimed at reducing illegal immigration, including from our native countries.
We believe that you will understand and acknowledge our sensitive situation and reciprocate it with a statement clarifying your position about us.
Legitimate Tier1(General) Migrants