After the part payment, I checked with the court and realised I had to wait a further 14 days before requesting a judgement from the court. This was due to some odd error in the initial form filling which I don't recall now.
So I was gearing up for the next step with the court, when the UKBA wrote me a letter saying they would pay for the £70 court cost, but that it would take months.
So that was the major step. They had paid the main sum, and admitted in writing they owed me the £70 also. Months later I received the £70.
From this I can only guess they were just so AMAZINGLY slow in processing paperwork that they got round to paying the initial amount, and AFTER that realized there was a court claim now attached to it. When they realized that, they dealt with it (again VERY slowly).
On the other hand, they may have seen the court claim, and paid the initial sum only. This isn't too far fetched. Then someone realized there was an additional £70 which had to be paid and authorized etc.
Who knows