by imthiyaz » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:09 am
when i came on wp1 the employer from time to time asked me work to his clients, my salary was paid by the client and dont know what was the arrangement between employer and his client.
i continued working as i was getting paid by the client.
CW wants to see the letter of contract from WP1 employer says that the emoloyer have stated as a clause saying i will be asked to work for his clients as and when required.
when i found the employemtn contract i can see the clause was made very clear from WP1 employer.
I dont know why the salary was paid by client even though i was at my WP1 employer office , i was issued a p45 from the client when i left the WP1 emploer that time i didnt bother going back and asking to wp1 employer.
now the situation is both wp1 employer and the client companies are dissolved.
when i said above to the CW, CW went to comapnieshouse website and confirmed both dissolved and he insisted that he wants to see a letter of employment contract from WP1 employer. luckly i had it and posted on 30th of Aug, royal mail delayed my post and should be delivered on Monday the 3rd of september.
The letter issued to me by CW cleary states, " in order to consider your matter you need to provide the letter of employment contract from WP1 employer or any other evidense that says you hav been employed by WP1 employer, failing to produce this in 14 days , your application will be refused under immigration rules 322(9)"
now i am just waiting and waiting