Hello there,
It seems that your case started to have some consideration because the letter came to you from the ministerial correspondence team UKIS Regional HQ in Manchester.
Did this letter come to you after an intervention of your MP?
I think this might be the case
I would reassure you that you are in a strong position only with the support of your two children.
If the state takes a child from his drug abuser mother for adoption; would it deport a legal father for immigration issue that can be solved outside the rules? I doubt it.
Harming you is a crime in the child's right; especially this immigration issue is under the civil laws, not the criminal laws.
As I told you before, please keep involving your MP and please tell him that I got this letter despite the evidence provided and your request. They are ignoring your rights to ask the minister of these employees. Could you please write to them again?
I suggest you and your wife submit a sworn affidavit by both of you together with attested copies of birth certificate of your children (even if you submitted them before) through your MP, asking him to press harder on them.
The point that you would try to make here is that you are the legal father of 2 British children who unfortunately has an immigration issue but not a criminal. I am just wondering how these IOs think? Did these children come from the sky? I believe we are not in the time of The Holly Ghost
The point you would try to avoid is some IO who might suddenly decide to be unsatisfied.
The secretary of the state has to respond to your MP. You need to avoid the unexpected response from whatever; saying that the candidate did not respond satisfactorily or other invented reasons. There are a lot of them.
Therefore, your only route is your MP. If we would like to achieve a victory there should be no let ups.
Here is the suggested affidavit.
I Mr …. And Mrs …….. hereby solemnly and sincerely confirm that we have been living together since ??/??/?? at …… address
We moved to …….. on ………. (If you changed your address)
We got married on ?? / ?? / ??
We are currently living at …….
We had our first child on ……..
He/she a British Citizen
We had our 2nd child on ……..
He/ she a British Citizen
We have never been dependant on public funds since we have been together (if applicable) OR We are able to maintain ourselves and our dependent children without resources to public funds (then explain how) Ms..... (my wife) is employed as ...... with a salary of .....per month and Mr.... (My husband) is employed (if applicable) / will be employed with a salary of .... per month.
We have no problem in accommodation.
………………… ----------
Mr ……….. Mrs ……………
Address Address
You would both sign the affidavit befor a solicitor. It would not cost you much, just £5 to £7 for the affidavit Plus £5 to £7 for each copy of Birth certicicate. Any solicitor would do.
Good luck