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Refused for stupid reason please help - family visit visa

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Refused for stupid reason please help - family visit visa

Post by khalad » Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:36 am

Good morning. My uncle got his decision for his family visit visa and it was REFUSED for a stupid reason. They firstly took ages to even come up with a decision.

Please could you advise me on what steps to take next and what new documents should i provide.

I have attached the refusal notice.

Points i want to indicate:

In bangladesh most transactions are done in cash and therefore employees are paid in cash. We provided "salary receipts" (their form of payslips) of the last 6 months which stated the same and confirmed the stated salary.

VFS also telephoned his store and spoke with his manager to confirm his employment which he was notified by his employer.

Bank Statements:

My uncle provided 6 months personal bank statements which showed a summary of 15 lac (15,000,000). Theses were money transferred to him by ourselves for property development over the year and reflected the same on his account. This was explained on a covering letter to the BHC.

My uncle deposited money in his account so his this can demonstrate to the BHC that should he be granted his visa his family in Bangladesh would have sufficient funds available to them. The money he receives from employer and his stuff he keeps not in his bank account at home so just stating on his cover letter that he has x amount would not be suffienct enough thats why he put it in his account. (the funds are still available in his account because his family dont need it now as his visa was refused)

I personally think the Entry clearance officer did not read all cover letters we provided as it clearly demonstrated that his sponsors us would clearly pay for all accommodation TRAVEL etc etc... and the costs to him are NIL so the last point he can not afford his return jounery is a joke.

Basically all the documents that were required was provided but i think they were just looking for an excuse to refuse a young male.

Documents which we provided were
Provided two sponsors for finances. His young brother (retail) and myself (a nurse for the NHS).
Accommodation proof was Council Tax bill and Utility Bill
Provided 6 months Payslips from both myself his younger brother
Letters of Invitations from sister, younger brother and myself clearly stating we will sponsor the entire trip.
Provided certified British Passport copies for all us in the UK
Provided a detailed 7 paged iternary (of realistic stuff eg. going thrope park for halloween, going oxford street for christmas lights turn on's, doing a fireworks night, etc)

Documents which my uncle provided
His 6 months payslip he only earns his currency 12,000 taka per month which is about £100 roughly.
Letter from employer confirming time off (3 months paid 2 months unpaid holiday) Start of employment etc...
Bank statements 6 months (activity averaging about 15,000,000 (about £14,000) incoming within that period and out going as well not all at once steadily)
Cover letter provided to explain bank statement as family in the UK send money to him a property he was building. Cover letter also explained salary does not go to bank account (normal for country) and is paid in cash on the 5th of each month. Cover letter also explaining ties in bangladesh.(further explained below)
Land Deeds (translated by notary public to english)
Sale Receipts of Rice produced by his Land Generating him income 20,000 - 30,000 every 3 - 4 months.(translated by notary public to english)
Property Deeds (translated by notary public to english)
Electric Bill for his property (translated by notary public to english)
Print out of a travel iternary of indented travel.
Medical Insurance Travel cover.
Death Certificate of his father.
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Re: Refused for stupid reason please help - family visit vis

Post by khalad » Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:17 pm


please help

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Re: Refused for stupid reason please help - family visit vis

Post by batleykhan » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:55 am

I think the problem here is that if your uncle is genuinely working and has all the savings he claims, why is that you are then paying for all his cost travelling and living in the UK for 6 months. Surely if he can contribute something towards his costs. This probably is the reason why the ECO does not believe your uncles employment and savings are genuine and these amounts and savings have been deposited solely to prove that he has something to return to, or if you look at it the other way, it could be argued that if he was h#jobless and penniless,he would not be granted and hence all these cash deposits.

The depositing of large amounts of money into bank accounts just before application is a good give-away that they have been solely deposited for this reason.Unfortunately that is why there are so many refusals of this nature from Indo sub continents applicants.

If you feel strongly about the refusal and can prove your points to a third person, then I suggest you appeal the matter and let a judge decide whether the ECO was wrong in his decision
