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Help V4F4A and Appendix 2 form for spouse settlement visa

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Help V4F4A and Appendix 2 form for spouse settlement visa

Post by Leo.Leo » Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:01 am

Hi Everyone, I am applying for my wife settlement spouse visa from Pakistan so need some help filling these form please. would be thankful if you can please guide.

Online V4F4A Online

(1)Third Section Family Details Spouse / Partner
Do We need to add My details(Sponsor) or MY Wife Applicant details in this section

(2)Declaration Part after filling the online form then it goes to declaration part. Do we need to type the name of applicant or leave it blank. i was told to fill in the form,Print it and then my wife will sign it. so what should we do with the declaration part.

Appendix 2

(1.3) When u first meet your sponsor in person? It was an arrange marriage in the family and we know each other since our Birth so what should i write here?

(1.4) Where did you first meet in Person? same confusion

(1.6) How often do you meet? We get married in October last year and i have not met her since then to meet the requirement and apply for her visa.

(1.19) Have you lived with your sponsor in a relationship akin to marriage or a civil partnership at any time (including since your wedding or civil partnership ceremony)? Did,nt get what do they mean?

(1.25) Do you and your sponsor have any shared financial responsibilities? she lives with my parents back home but don't really have any shared responsibilities. But i do send her money every month for her expenditures. she works part time as well in Health sector.

1.28 Is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone financially, including any children listed above? Dont have any kids.

And last which category for financial requirement? 3A, Category A? i am with the same employer for more than an year Earning 20K PA.


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Re: Help V4F4A and Appendix 2 form for spouse settlement vis

Post by arunsk » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:12 pm

Below are the responses based on how I filled.
In my case I selected 'Apply for someone else' but your wife is the applicant and you need to fill the application as if she is filling it.
1. Family details section asks for details of applicant family, spouse, father, mother etc - since your wife is the applicant you need to fill your details.
2. Your wife need to sign it. If you have selected 'Apply for someone else' then it will also show your name in 'Form filled by' column.

Appendix 2
1.3, 1.4: tricky, I guess you can say from birth or several years etc and provide more details in 'Additional information' section or explain in cover letter.
1.6: say how often you meet, since your are in a different country you just have to provide the date you last met, probably explain in cover letter or additional info.
1.19: It is asking whether you lived together in a relationship similar to marriage or civil partner (before or after your marriage). I understand the civil partner bit makes sense before marriage, not sure why after marriage?
1.25: if you don't have any then No. Sending money for her expenses is not an issue, you are her sponsor anyway. I think the intent is to understand whether you will be able to support her or not (in case if you have many shared responsibilities)
1.28: Again same as 1.25, whether you support parents etc

category A if same employer for more than 6 months.

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Re: Help V4F4A and Appendix 2 form for spouse settlement vis

Post by saim0204 » Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:40 am

Here is my response, based on how I filled these forms. (I am also the sponsor but for my husband)

1)Third Section Family Details Spouse / Partner
Add your details as you are the spouse of the applicant.

(2)Declaration Part after filling the online form then it goes to declaration part.
I just typed the applicants name. When your wife attends her biometrics appointment, she should take this printed VAF4A with her, signed and dated above her name.

Appendix 2

(1.3) When u first meet your sponsor in person?
I don't think there is a wrong or right answer here. You know each other since birth but you could also write the date of anytime before your marriage, for example the last time you visited.

(1.4) Where did you first meet in Person? same again, you could write any date that you remember meeting her on one of your visits.

(1.6) How often do you meet? You could write the dates in October that you met her
OR somebody advised me to write 'we met daily'-as in we saw each other daily when I was in Pakistan, I am not confident in my answer though!

(1.19) Have you lived with your sponsor in a relationship akin to marriage or a civil partnership at any time (including since your wedding or civil partnership ceremony)? You should write YES. Because I assume you lived with your wife for some time after the wedding?

(1.25) Do you and your sponsor have any shared financial responsibilities?
I'm not sure about this one because my situation was different.

1.28 Is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone financially, including any children listed above? You can write No.

And last which category for financial requirement? 3A, Category A?
I was 3A Category A. If you have been with the same employer for at least 6 months, in the UK then i think this is correct.

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Re: Help V4F4A and Appendix 2 form for spouse settlement visa

Post by Mshuman » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:49 am

Regarding Appendix 2. Though being a british citizen I am not settled in the uk. But staying together with my family outside the uk. Now going to apply for my spouse. In the appendix 2 form there is only mentioned that spouse of a settled person option but no option like spouse of a british citizen. Then where to put cross? I am sorry if I am writing in a wrong group.

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Re: Help V4F4A and Appendix 2 form for spouse settlement visa

Post by Casa » Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:13 am

This thread is over 1 year old and is inactive. Please continue in your own topic.
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(Casa, not CR001)
Please don't send me PMs asking for immigration advice on posts that are on the open forum. If I haven't responded there, it's because I don't have the answer. I'm a moderator, not a legal professional.
