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ILR Success at Croydon PEO

Only for queries regarding Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Please use the EU Settlement Scheme forum for queries about settled status under Appendix EU

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ILR Success at Croydon PEO

Post by rnr79 » Sat May 15, 2010 9:11 pm

I got my ILR approved recently. This forum proved very helpful to me to prepare the application, thanks to all. So just thought to share my experience as well.


• Arrived in UK on 8th June 2005 on WP
• Worked for Company A on WP till Nov 2006 [Two Work Permits June-05 to May- 06 and May-06 to June -07] No Gaps.
• Worked for Company B on WP till Jun 2007 [on new WP for 60 Months]
• Joined Company C on WP in Jun 2007 [on New WP for 60 Months]
• Changed status to Tier-1 in Feb 2009 [Tier 1 valid till 2012] still with Company C
When I worked for first company I had quite a lot of Business travel days and also overall many holiday absences from UK. Total absence was for 206 days in five year [130 Personal and 76 Business].Also there was a gap of three weeks between leaving company A and joining company B. During this gap I went on holiday. But I had the work permit transferred and the visa stamped before leaving the company A.

Entry and Security Check:

My appointment was at 2 pm but I arrived @ 1.15 pm, went to security, one of the security guard told to wait outside and come back at 1.30 pm but another interrupted and said that I could go ahead [There was a couple with appointment at 2.30 pm and they were allowed to enter at the same time] I went through security. It was quick and easy but strict. It took about 2-5 minutes.
First of all they checked if I had a booking reference number which UKBA had sent via email. Then I was asked to join the queue where about 15 people were already waiting. It was about 15 minutes wait in the queue.
Ground Floor (Application screening):
When I went to a counter on the ground floor, the lady behind the counter was very friendly , she asked me for the booking ref number, my application, Life in the UK test certificate, and asked me how I would be paying.
She also asked me if I had necessary evidence [P60/P45 form or payslips] for my employment on the WP, latest payslips and bank statements. But she didn’t check anything. She also asked me if I wanted to know the marks in the life in the UK test and of course I said yes!
I think she checked my WP history and wrote down all the employers on a piece of formatted paper and few other details on that paper. She was little bit slow to the process [because she was busy chatting with colleagues]. She stamped the application as ‘Valid’. [On the Payment details and Personal Details page]
I spent about 35 minutes at this counter. She gave me a ticket number and I was asked to go to the first floor.

First Floor (Payment and Application Processing):

I went to the floor and paid the fees using a credit card, no one was in the queue so it took about 2-3 minutes at the cash counter. Then I headed towards the waiting area and noticed on the screen that my number was 19th in this category. I waited there for about 25 minutes and suddenly there was announcement for 5 numbers including mine and we were told to go to the second floor.
Once I was on the second floor I had to wait for a further 10-15 minutes and my number was called when I went to the counter there were two ladies sitting behind the counter. One of them was bit nervous, I think she was new and other one was guiding her. The one who was going to work on my application was bit scary and didn’t seem to be friendly at al. It occurred to me that it was not as easy ride for me.
I was asked to give the ticket number, payment slip, and application. I handed over all of these documents. As soon as the trainee (based on my assumption) took my application, the first thing she checked, the UK absences page. I had 28 short trips across Europe and 9 holiday/personal trips out of the UK. I used IRIS at Heathrow so there were no stamps in passport for couple of entries in the UK.
I was asked if I had a letter from company ‘A’ showing my travel was for business. I didn’t have the letter and I said no because my visas say business visa and I have all 60 months payslips if they need more proof.
She said a business visa in the passport is not a proof that your travel was for business. I tried to explain that it was persona travel then I wouldn’t get full month’s salary and expenses for that month.
I had my offer letter which had the salary information and bank statements had clear mention as to whether the pay was salary or expense reimbursement. But she was adamant that I needed a letter from Employer and they should comment on each and every date which I mentioned as business travel.
I had about 40 trips to countries across Europe. I was very much frustrated and annoyed due to this behaviour as I know many people who never had to show the letter from employer. And suddenly guess what! A fire alarm went off and everybody was asked to leave the building.
The case worker didn’t give me any chance, she gathered all the documents from the counter quickly (I was worried that she may loose something) and locked everything in the drawer and said leave now!!!!!! I had no option but to leave as ever one else. Everyone was out of the building for about one hour.
Firstly they allowed staff to enter into the building and everyone else had to go through security again. It was quicker than I expected.

I went to the second floor straightaway after the security, the lady (trainee) on her own was behind the counter and first thing she asked me for was the Life in the UK Test Pass Certificate, Three months pay slips and bank statements, and P60/P45 forms. I had all of those so gave them all to her.
[At this point or anytime there afterwards she didn’t question me about my business travel at all] she entered all the details on her computer it took about 15-20 minutes she said my application is fine and I will be granted ILR on the same day. She gave me all my original documents and told me to wait on the first floor. At this point my payment slip was lying on the counter. I asked if I can get that back she said oh I forgot and said ok you will get it back with passport. I said ok and went down to the first floor.
I waited for about 30 minutes and my number was called at the customer service desk where I was given my passport with an ILR stamp and some leaflet explaining the ILR. I suddenly remembered about the payment slip, the guy said ok they will check he phoned somebody and i was told wait for few minutes. After 15 minutes he called me back and said that they can’t find my slip and can’t do anything. If they find they will post me as my address was on it. Then I said could I talk to somebody else about how I can get my payment slip they said I can’t and that’s what they can do and they gave me a crooked smile and walked away from counter. It was very late and most of the other counters were closed and very few people left there. I had no option but to leave.
I am really surprised they ask us for each and every piece of evidence for five years and they expect us to keep it safe and show them but they can’t handle documents properly and can misplace within four hours.
I am happy anyway that I got ILR as the rules are changing constantly.
Good luck to all applying for ILR.

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Post by winber » Mon May 17, 2010 2:47 pm

Thanks for the story rnr79 :)

You are right about the rules constantly changing, I'm applying for ILR in July and am worried due to the new government.

At least your story has a (mostly) happy ending!
