HiKet1 wrote:R u withdrawin? Aparently it varies sometimes one week and somonee here said it took them 3 and a half weeks!Sarah786 wrote:Plz help
Can anyone tell me how long it will take embassy to return my spouse visa.. Bloody waste of time wasted two years both me nd my husband are furious.. But that's not guna get us anywhere... Nd to those posting negative comments stop and think no one wanted to put themselves in that position.. I for one certainly didn't me and my husband both have lost respectable jobs to try and relocate to th uk.. Even though he didn't I pushed him, 2 years that we will never get back. And 2 years we would been better off financially if we stuck to the jobs...! So instead of sitting thr being heartless g pray to ALLAH.. Cus everything happens according to ALLAH.!
Yh ur ryt Allah noes best
No I'm not withdrawing, I was on hold so waiting for them to refuse and send passport back, need it ASAP so we can travel and get our lives back on track