, yours had wrong post code, mone has a complete new address post code and different town! What were the reasons of refusal ?[/quote]humawakas2014 wrote:When my wife had her TB test done for the first time it also had the wrong post address on it... As post code was wrong etc. We submitted it from mirpur too. Although the case was refused the wrong address was not an issue they pointed out.
However saying that I would just say do it again or take it back and ask them to correct it
Didn't include sa302 tax paper (applied self employed) and didn't include full 12 month bank statements lol I messed up on the statements... Re applied on the 29th [/quote]
Hope it all works out for you inshalah , im applying through normal wage gross salary just over 18600, any cruicial advice or tips, the employer letter does have to say gross ? And over how long the salary has been paid ? My husaband owns his own house mortagage free hes included a bill and land registry document. Included whatsapp and rebtel calls bills. 3 wedding pics. Can someone tell me how you pay the fees is it at gerrys and the online application form ?