by Raymandosnr » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:06 pm
Alhamdulilah my wife and I arrived suceffuly here in UK yesterday, we missed our Birmingham flight so had to come to Manchester, I made sure to fill in the immigration card form they give you towards the end of the flight as its very important, when we landed at the airport the non-eu line was really long and even though I had a British passport I waited in the same line as my wife, a lot of Pakistanis did not know English so other passengers help translate, I did bother getting a new TB certificate as they don't ask for one as far as I know and they just asked my wife to lift her burka veil to see her face and then how long have we been married, I said three years and then they asked why it took so long for visa. I said I could get a job to earn enough and that was it, my wife placed her thumb on the scanner and they stamped her passport and that was it.
Don't forget you need to fill out the immigration card form they give you towards the end of your flight otherwise they will say sit down fill it in then come back. My final timeline is below and any questions just message me and Inshallah all of your visas will be successful too.
Please note my appeal was successful due to the intervention of my MP contacted the home office twice after a standard three week reply from home office as they tried to brush us off the first time.
Applied : 13/05/15
Refused : 6/8/15
Appeal Submitted : 18/08/15
MP Letter Sent: 20/10/15
Appeal review deadline: 09/01/16
Phone Call Received, Call In Letter Sent: 3/11/15
Call In Letter Submitted: 9/11/15
Call to Collect: 3/12/15
Visa granted: 4/12/15
Arrived in UK: 22/12/15
I tried to be as detailed as possible and I do dua that Allah makes your duas kabul and gives your sabr as everything happens for a reason
pplied : 13/05/15
Refused : 6/8/15
Appeal Submitted : 18/08/15
MP Letter Sent: 20/10/15
Appeal review deadline: 09/01/16
Phone Call Received, Call In Letter Sent: 3/11/15
Call In Letter Submitted: 9/11/15
Call to Collect: 3/12/15
Visa granted: 4/12/15