Hi Amber,,Amber_ wrote:Send the actual refusal decision with the appeal form to the UK. Send a copy of the refusal decision with a reconsideration request and the additional evidence to Beijing.
It's been a while, we put in our appeal , but still no word, the uk embassy in Beijing asked us to stop contacting them, saying it would conflict with the correct way to do things , in effect saying do not bother us, even though the reconsideration request was signed for by the embassy they said they did not receive it, now every time i write i am just sent an automated reply,
I have noticed since our application other people have been told the same, that dla and carers and incapacity are for my own use,
I just worry this will kill our appeal,
My wife bless her is so supportive, all she says is god brought us together , so no one will ever keep us apart,
I have been reading about the ss route, for obvious reasons this will be very very difficult for me and could even be life threatening, but if this is left as my only option , i will do this , it will mean i will lose my home , and probably never be able to have a business that can support me and my wife, but i feel they are leaving me with so little choice,
I still have not heard from the appeal place , i sent in my appeal with your formula, as i did my reconsideration request,
but i still have such fear that because they want to refuse as many as possible , regardless of any evidence they will still refuse, as you can imagine , i have looked at many many sites for all types of information, and it seems also that many judges even make their decision before you even get into the court,
oh well, we can only hope and pray , you are such a kind person helping so many people on this and oher sites, please take care many thanks Bernie and Yan