Hi Folks,
I would like to add my input to this thread. Please note,the views are solely my observation based on information gathered from this and other similar forums and I could be wrong.
Raj is absolutely correct in pointing out that the HO is not above the law and is also answerable. They cannot leave applicants in the lurch and delay applications indefinitely. I suggest each applicant waiting for their ILR for more than 6 months (their service standards) should write a polite (but stern) letter to the HO complaints team before contacting the Ombudsman, if they don't respond satisfactorily. The HO are charging a fee of nearly £2000/applicant and the applicants definitely deserve better.
I have been following this forum since a while and I have noticed that in the late 2015 and almost the whole of 2016, the HO have indiscriminately rejected ILR applications which had any sort of tax amendment, without really foreseeing the obvious consequence that they will have no grounds to fight in the JR. The Judge cannot possibly give a decision in favour of the HO when one government department (HMRC) has already accepted the amendments. Since then, quite a few applicants have fought the rejection in JR and they have won (search on the forum). The HO had to pay the court costs etc as they lost. Where is this money coming from ? It's the tax payer who is paying for it. This topic should get media coverage so that the British public know how the HO is spending the tax payers money. They (HO) are fighting a losing battle - at the expense of the British Tax payer.
HO will have to grant visas to all those applicants who have paid their taxes before making the application eventually. Recently,The HO have stopped rejecting cases which have tax amendments. Instead,they have kept applications on hold till they wait for results of similar cases in the JR. In one case they even withdrew their decision before the hearing date (search on the forum). Perhaps they knew they were going to lose.
Friends please don't lose hope and take a stand against injustice. Don't suffer in silence. Contact HO's complaints department before contacting the Ombudsmen.
https://www.gov.uk/government/organisat ... -procedure