Allow me to politely disagree with you. There is no one else to blame but the HO which seems to be a corrupt, incompetent and bureaucratic institution.pixelrage09 wrote:
So, in essence, we can blame no one else other than the fraudsters and scammers who have abused the marriage system for years. It's cos of these shady blokes that us genuine couples have to suffer and will continue to suffer while the Home Office endlessly tighten immigration rules to the UK.
Also, many people get married for a number of reasons including economic and social status. The ECHR provides for rights like the right to a family life without interference of the government, the right to marry and found a family. Wether the relationship is affectionate or not, it is certainly not the government's problem. But it seems like there's always a way to circumvent the ECHR. Of course we cannot support sham marriage for purposes of immigration fraud where there is NO contact between the parties. But the applicants should have the benefit of the doubt. I think it's reasonable to ask for some evidence of communication and pictures. But they scrutinise every application in order to find any excuse (even the most cynical ones) to refuse it and then say 'marriage may be genuine and subsisting but it's not affectionate' or 'applicants said they were single in previous applications but got married to stay in the UK' or they are satisfied that the sponsor, 'a UK citizen'(!), just want to facilitate one's entry to the UK.
And no, we should not pay for the delays.