by gokulatti » Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:17 am
The card you get is just a form of registration certification meaning you have been registered in the belgic national register, it is not a residence permit. for your wife, for the actual family member residence card (5 years valid) to be issued, the authorities legally have 6 months time to decide, depending on backlog, vacation time etc. it can take less than 6 months or the full 6 months, there is no work around this. While, your wife waits for this 6 months time they should issue a form of sticker (varies in member state, some can be on paper, some can be a vignette on the passport, renewable) valid for 6 months which gives her right to stay in Belgium legally and also work (this is not a residence permit as well). This I believe is what they meant by 6 months card. The sticker only allows wife to stay in Belgium and it is not equivalent to a schengen visa therefore she cannot travel outside Belgium. If I were you I wouldn't rush going back to UK at least until the residence permit is issued at the least. Yes, you have to wait until 6 months (hopefully sooner) for their decision for the residence permit to be issued. I hope this is of help, Good Luck!