by rm83 » Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:01 pm
As the saying goes, 'i have been a silent observer' since early November last year prior to making, and during, my application. I received my BRP letter today and the timeline was as follows:
Expiry: 14/12/2017
Application: 17/11/2017
Biometric Registration: 23/11/2017
Application Confirmation Letter: 29/11/2017
Monthly Application Status Emails: 30/11/2017, 29/12/2017, 29/01/2018, none received in February
Approval Letter: 23/03/2018
BRP: 27/03/2018
Lead Time: Approx. 4 months and 1 week.
I would like to take a moment to thank all the individuals who dedicate their time and effort to keep this thread alive, and everyone who shares their ideas. These ideas, they may seem trivial to the individual contributing them, but believe me when i say they are life changing.
Good luck to everyone.