by Zamroo2 » Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:52 pm
This forum was a big help to me when applying for FLR-M visa, I thought I would give back as much as I can even if it helps just one person.
I am an Australian who was on a Tier 5 Youth mobility Visa, I met my husband in April 2017 and we were engaged in April 2018 and June 2018 respectively.
We gave our notice for marriage in Mid- May 2018, my visa was expiring in August 2018, and we were lucky to only wait 28 days notice. Give notice as soon as possible, with YMV, you currently do not need to wait 28 days to apply for the spouse visa, you can switch as soon as you are married.
In our case we did not receive a letter from HO, I contacted the registry directly after 14 days and they informed us HO left a note on their system saying they would not investigate, so if worried and have not received anything try contacting your local registry(nb we are in Scotland, rules differ according to location)
We applied via the same day service in Glasgow if applying from within the U.K, I WOULD highly recommend you save the extra cash for this, they seem to be more lenient in allowing time to include documents if you forget them.
Below is a list of documents I submitted with my application, I also submitted this appendix with the application, I have made notes in areas I felt a little bit of stress with and how I dealt with it.
3. UKVI Booking Checklist ,Visa and IHS Payment
4. Completed UKVI Application form – 2 passport photos of applicant and 1 passport photo of sponsor
5. Applicant Requirements
a. Original passports – current
b. Certified birth certificate copy
c. Current Biometric Residence Permit
d. Copies of stated Documents
Only reason I had my birth certificate is because my middle name is used on my marriage certificate but is not on any other documents, so proof it is my name
6. Sponsor Requirements
a. Original passport – current
b. Sponsor Cover Letter
c. Copies of stated Documents
7. Proof of Financial Requirement
a. Cover Letter for financial transactions
b. Applicant HR Reference Letter from place of employment
c. Applicant 2017/2018 P60
d. Applicant payslips December 2017 - June 2016
e. Applicant Bank Statements
f. Copies of Stated Documents
I gave an extra month payslip as I had changed banks in May and the closing bank statement from my previous bank had December pay on , so included it for good measure. My cover letter included this including the breakdown of the pays and which bank the would find it on.
8. Proof of Accommodations Supporting Documents
a. Cover Letter for Accommodation Criteria
b. Letter from Landlord
c. Copy of Sponsors current lease Agreement 2017/2018
d. Joint - 2017/2018 Council Tax Bill
e. Joint - 2018/2019 Council Tax Bill
f. Joint - Bank of Scotland bank Account June 2018
g. Joint - Scottish Power Tariff Confirmation June 2018
h. Joint - Scottish Power Bill July 2018
i. Applicant BT Bill – December 2017
j. Applicant Electoral Register March 2018
k. Applicant Lloyds Bank Letter May 2018
l. Applicant Bank of Scotland Letter May 2018
m. Applicant 3 mobile bill June 2018
n. Sponsor DVLA Reminder June 2013
o. Sponsor Electoral Register Letter October 2014
p. Sponsor 2015/2016 Lease Agreement
q. Sponsor Council Tax Payment Confirmation Letter July 2017
r. Sponsor Bank Letter May 2018
s. Copies of Stated Documents -
Reasons I included a long history of sponsor documents was because i was showing he had been in the property for as long we said, and after a certain period he had very little paper correspondence so I used what I could find. I showed correspondance as much correspondance from the time I moved in as only had 10 days between when we got married and when our our appointment was
9. Proof of Relationship
a. Marriage Certificate
b. 20 photos – Relationship and Wedding Day
d. Holiday Documents
i. Train and Hotel Booking Confirmation
ii. Flight and Hotel Booking Confirmation
e. 2 x Copies of Marriage Certificate
I had an early appointment and got my visa in under two hours
Hope this helps