by fami » Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:14 pm
Dear Guru's & other members,
My Timeline is:
* Came as a student April 2007
* Tier 4 Extension granted from June 2008 till 30 June 2009
* Another Tier 4 extension applied in time on June 2009
Received my application back as an Invalid due to Passport size Pictures were not direct to the camera as per immigration rule on 13 July 2009. I sent the same application back on the same day 13 July with the right passport size pictures. Biometrics done on 24 July 2009.
No reply till October 2009 then suddenly i found out that our college license has been suspended. I emailed HO with in 28 days about changing my college (As per immigration Rules on that time) and received automated confirmation of my email. I sent them my new College CAS letter.
18 Dec 2009 received refusal saying that " There is more than 1 month Gap from expiry of leave and commencement date of course"
No right of appeal aswell. My solicitor corresponded with HO couple of times & tried to explain that i have done the right thing and give us appeal right but nothing worked.
* JR submitted & After 2 months We received a letter from TSol said " The Border Agency, Having viewed the content of the submissions put forward in the application for permission for judicial review, has agreed to reconsider your clients application dated 13th July 2009 for LTR as Tier 4 student. The UKBA also agrees to withdraw its letter of 9th July 2009 (This letter was about my passport size pictures) "
I would also like to add here that i also received my SAR where In notes i found it says, "Information received from Biometric Manager, DCCW and Tsols, in light of the information regarding the photograph of invalidated application of 30 June 2009, the JR is to be withdrawn with the application of 13 July 2009 to be reconsidered and treated as an in time application. The consent order details that the application will be reconsidered within 3 months of the sealed order".
Dated AUG 2010: Sealed Consent Order Received. " The Claimant's application falls to be granted, pending relevant checks. The application of 30 June 2009 should have been accepted as valid, therefore it appears that the application of 13 july 2009 should have been granted.
Then i been granted LTR. I went for PSW and then Etr Tier 1 also got my extension valid till April 2019.
MY 10 years have been completed in April last year. Please tell me that is my Section 3C broke or not. Because in their decision HO accepted their error and also considered my application in time ??
PLease help??