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FBR Witness

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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FBR Witness

Post by Aston13 » Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:33 pm

I need a witness to sign Section E of the application form before I can send it in the post. However, I don't know anyone who works in one of the listed professions besides maybe a doctor, and my GP won't do it.

I've gone to a solicitor to get it signed but the wording is a little strange, and we don't know if the form will be passable or not how it is currently filled out. He didn't want to certify that he personally knows me (a stranger) so he just said he identified me by passport. Shown below.


Is this the correct way to fill this section out? and has anyone else done it like this and it worked?


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Re: FBR Witness

Post by littlerr » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:31 pm

Yes this is the correct way to fill any legal documents.

Many solicitors (at least in Ireland) would actually put your passport number in that blank there just to avoid any confusion, but I don't think it's a legal requirement.
