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Why are the moderators blocking a timeline for Zambrano Carers????

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Moderators: Casa, Amber, archigabe, batleykhan, ca.funke, ChetanOjha, EUsmileWEallsmile, JAJ, John, Obie, push, geriatrix, vinny, CR001, zimba, meself2, Administrator

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Why are the moderators blocking a timeline for Zambrano Carers????

Post by Zambrano-Settle » Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:10 pm

There are THOUSANDS of Zambrano families impacted by the Home Office.

You, CR001, are deleting any requests for a timeline on those applications.

You say, that Zambrano Carers should not have a timeline because you believe it will become a dead thread. There are literally hundreds of threads posted daily on this site.

I want to hear from another moderator. I want to file a complaint.

The below thread is a thread you started for India. Zambrano carers should have the same opportunity.
Settlement Visa Applications - INDIA TIMELINES ONLY
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Post by CR001 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:31 am

To all members who contribute to this topic/thread, the following are the guidance to adhere to so that we do not end up with a timeline thread that runs into so many pages like the other one did and which has become a discussion thread, rather than an easily readable timeline thread :

1. This topic is for timelines and timeline updates ONLY.

2. ANY discussions, chit chat, question such as 'Any news for applications from Dehli...' ect, will be deleted and the user issued with a warning.

3. Most members who contribute to this thread will already have other recent queries or threads on the forum, i.e. 'Spouse Visa - Please Advise' etc. If you need to ask a member something specific about their application, click on their name, search for their most recent NON timeline post and ask the question there. You are of course free to use the PM function for this too if you choose.

4. There will be zero tolerance of any abuse of the timeline thread.

5. No posting of personal contact details, please see Forum Terms & Conditions (click), particularly point 5.

6. The Format for posting your timeline is below.

7. This topic/thread will be monitored daily.
Char (CR001 not Casa)
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Re: Settlement Visa Applications - INDIA TIMELINES ONLY
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Post by CR001 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:32 am

Application and documents submitted & biometrics enrolled at :
Application forwarded to British High Commission on :
Application under process at British High Commission on :

Sponsor contacted by UKVI (if applicable)

Contacted with 'decision made' :
Contacted for Collection :
Collection made :
Decision of Application :

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Re: Why are the moderators blocking a timeline for Zambrano Carers????

Post by Zambrano-Settle » Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:11 pm

You have also deleted posts and called them spam.

That makes no sense.

The posts merely ask for information.

Why is it spam to ask the same question to a separate group of people.

Your actions are discriminatory. I want to hear from another moderator.

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Re: Why are the moderators blocking a timeline for Zambrano Carers????

Post by Casa » Fri Jul 05, 2019 6:38 pm

You will have to find a Moderator other than myself and CR001 who is willing to spend their free time (voluntary) and commit to monitoring the thread on a constant basis to ensure it stays on track and without off-topic rambling chit-chat etc.

Personally, I'm not willing or able to devote any more of my family/work commitments to additional timeline threads for each category of visa applications. :idea:
(Casa, not CR001)
Please don't send me PMs asking for immigration advice on posts that are on the open forum. If I haven't responded there, it's because I don't have the answer. I'm a moderator, not a legal professional.
