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Visit visa for my mother in Law

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Visit visa for my mother in Law

Post by Wick309 » Sat May 25, 2024 6:33 pm

Hi All,

Hope everyone is well. I need assistance please if any can help would be much appreciated.

Case is bit complicated, i'll try to keep it as simple as i can.

Brief explanation of my background

So i have been in UK for 15 years i have ILR (i am going to apply passport very soon), My wife is on spouse visa (5 years route) and applied for extension as visa is almost about to expire. We are expecting a baby and the due date is 10th June therefor we wanted to bring her (my wife's) mother over here so she can help us as it's going to be our first child. Very excited and very nervous at same time but hopefully everything is going to be alright.

My mother in law's visit visa was refused just 2 days ago, Me and my wife filled out the application form and created covering letter and sponsor letters as main applicant (mother in law) she couldn't do it herself because of language barrier (this was not mentioned to home office just explaining it for guys to have better understanding). I will share refusal grounds as well after explaining applicant's current situation.

Applicant is a house wife and owner of the property where she and her family (husband and son) lives, she has around £1000 in her account. Her husband and son looks after the household expenses including bills and everything else. Her husband works cash-in-hand and doesn't have a bank account that why we could only show her son's salary slips and bank account. Applicant has never been overseas her whole life but only this year she went to Saudia for religious purpose.

Refusal Letter:

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the
requirements of paragraph V4.2 of Appendix V.

• You have applied to travel to the UK to visit your daughter. Whilst I understand the
importance of family visits, in order to assess your application, I need to consider your
current circumstances as part of an overall assessment of your application and
intentions in the UK. On this occasion I am not satisfied you meet all the requirements
of the immigration rules because:

• You have stated on your visa application form that your trip to the UK will be financially
covered by your son in law. To demonstrate this you have submitted a letter of
sponsorship and your sponsors bank statements. However, your sponsor is only one
aspect of your application and I must also consider your own individual circumstances
to assess your intentions in the UK.

• In assessing your application, in line with the visits guidance I have taken into
consideration the financial circumstances that you declared on your visa application
form. You have stated on your visa application form that you are unemployed with no
income and dependent on your family in your home country. I acknowledge that you
have provided payslips and a bank statement in the name of your son.

• You have declared that you are married with no one who is financially dependent on
you and whilst I do accept familial ties to your home country as a positive indicator,
there is a discrepancy in the documents you have provided that causes me to doubt
that your family circumstances and ties are as declared. I note as evidence of your
marital status, you have provided a marriage certificate which states that your wedding
took place on 09/02/1998. I note that you would have been aged 27 at the time.
However, the marriage certificate you have submitted states that you were 23 years
old. This is a clear discrepancy and undermines the familial ties you have declared to
your own country and the overall credibility of your application.
This was a systematic error and We failed to notice it as we are planning to apply again with corrected dates.

• Whilst I do acknowledge you have provided documents relating to your son in your
home country whom you state you are financially dependent on, I am not satisfied that
this in isolation demonstrates your circumstances and ties are as such that you intend
to depart the UK at the end of your stay, especially when also factoring in the fact that
you also have familial ties to the UK whom your are reliant on to cover the costs of
your visit.
• In assessing your entry clearance application, I have considered all the documents
and information provided against the requirements of Appendix V and have also taken
into account the published Visit guidance. The guidance indicates a number of factors
which can help assess if an applicant is a genuine visitor, including but not limited to
the following:
• their financial circumstances as well as their family, social and economic background
• their personal and economic ties to their country of residence
The concerns noted in the paragraphs above mean that I am not satisfied that you have
accurately declared your personal and financial circumstances, which in turn means I
am not satisfied on the balance of probabilities that you are a genuine visitor. While I
note the information you have provided regarding your UK sponsor, I am not satisfied
that these other factors outweigh the concerns noted above. Therefore, I am not
satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor and that you will leave the UK
at the end of your visit. Your application is therefore refused under paragraphs V4.2 (a)
and (c) of the Immigration Rules.

In relation to this decision, there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.

As we are planning to apply again with corrected dates on marriage certificate and we are planning to attached applicant's husband's salary slips but the only issue is that he gets paid in cash that's why we cant prove and/or provide any evidence of transfers.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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