As discussed >>here<< (Part 1), family members of EEA-nationals may travel within the EEA, as long as they are in "possession of the valid residence card referred to in Article 10".
For the first 5 years of any such residence, the non-EEA national is usually equiped with said card:Article 5
Right of entry
2. Family members who are not nationals of a Member State(...)
For the purposes of this Directive, possession of
the valid residence card referred to in Article 10 shall exempt
such family members from the visa requirement.
However, after initial 5 years, the same person will be equipped with a similar card, but according to artice 20:Article 10
Issue of residence cards
1. The right of residence of family members of a Union
citizen who are not nationals of a Member State shall be
evidenced by the issuing of a document called ‘Residence card
of a family member of a Union citizen’ (...)
Striclty speaking, any such person would be allowed to travel visa-free for the first 5 years, but no longer after that!Article 20
Permanent residence card for family members who are
not nationals of a Member State
1. Member States shall issue family members who are not
nationals of a Member State entitled to permanent residence
with a permanent residence card(...)
Am I missing something, or is this (technically speaking) so?
Thanks for any possible input!
Rgds, Christian