by smoky707 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:47 pm
We have lived together since December 2009 in his flat. He's a bit disabled bad knees(doesn't let it get him down at all)and receives attendance allowance and has a carer that is paid but this is only in summer and other holidays as she is in school.He wanted me to get paid for it but I am subject to immigration control so couldn't but gladly do it as I love him and I'm here all day and night anyway. I handle most of the calls and forms for car insurance,bills,parts for the car,repairs for the housing, medical stuff etc so I'm the wife all but in name. We joke that my official title is the 'Secretary.'
He's got a few more health issues his shoulders are going bad may require surgery, possible arthritis or the ligaments are going. He only has a daughter and grandaughter here both British born but they only come when they want something. I overstayed my student visa in 2008, I worked till February 2009 because they were going to check. Haven't worked since been involved with my local residents association since I moved in with my partner and another group that works with families in my area and the neighbourhood watch if all that helps to get me more advice.
Thank you for all your comments so far, Luca and Pennyless.