When I reported it lost/stolen, they gave me three months to reapply (they sent a letter dated 15 Feb and gave me until 15 May). They sent back a rejected application over a month after I sent it in April, so it arrived 11 May. Real nice of them. Then they sent me a letter dated 17 May that was very threatening about applying on time (I had already sent in another application at this point), so I sent them a VERY long letter about how I had applied, loads of evidence, and how this was ridiculous.JulieB, how did they know you were nearing the three month deadline?
Kannit, I think going into hysterics is probably the nicest outcome of all this. It is absolutely ridiculous. It really upsets me that they'll let IT problems go by without updating us, then push us all aside for the Olympics. They should be ashamed.