by ilrapp2012 » Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:48 pm
Hi everyone.
I am trying to fill in the form and have couple of questions if you people can confirm.
I am a candidate of 2 years HSMP and 3 years Tier1 (general)
(When I was applying for HSMP from my home country. I went to British embassy, and they took my finger prints at that time..)
Section10 - BRP
I did not have BRP yet, So I jumped onto question 7.
7. Have you had your fingerprints taken as part of previous UK immigration application made in UK or abroad.
Should I tick Yes?? If yes then
Q8. Give details when you finger prints taken?
Should I write Initial HSMP application here???
Q9. Town is fine.
Q10. Give details of the British Diplomatic post(s) if the application was/were made abroad. ?
I did not get this question. What should I write here?
Q About Reason for absence
All of my holidays were paid and personal, What exact should I type here?
Paid = Personal?
Section 11 - Documents
11C question here :- Employement not requiring a work permit. Does it apply to me?
I guess 11 L applies to me only
Many thanks