by dazzle » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:37 pm
Hello everyone,
I wonder if anyone has been in a similar position.
I am British with a British passport, but was working abroad when my son was born. He was born in Africa and we immediately got him a British passport.
He is now 2, and we recently moved to the UK. I applied for Child Benefit, sending his original non-UK birth certificate and JCP certified copy of our passports.
A few weeks later we were sent an additional form to fill in, and they said they need original passports for both me and my son. I need my passport for work on a daily basis, and it is simply not a possibility for me to send it.
I called them a few times and eventually someone suggested to TRY with a certified copy of my passport, done by the local HMRC inquiry office. I had to try 3 local offices before one of them agreed to do it - because it's no longer procedure.
So finally I have sent the original child's passport, and the copies of mine. Does anyone know if this will work? I don't understand why they need the originals. They are both British passports, so there are no entry visas or stamps.