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PSWs should not have been given option under £50,000

Only for UK Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) points system. This route is now closed to new applicants.

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Post by solomondid » Thu May 09, 2013 2:39 pm

My best friend just adds another line

All cities he mentioned saying impossible for business in 50K belong to countries which are literally corrupt and are more in hands of politicians than ENTREPRENEURS! LOL

Hope this debate is over!

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Post by Shinya » Thu May 09, 2013 11:58 pm

:lol: :lol:
good humor

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Post by Ent813 » Fri May 10, 2013 12:42 pm

Only one word for this post creater "JEALOUS" lol. What a narrowmindedness! You should growup and try to see things from all angles. If you are in such a deep shock, you're most welcome to go back to India. Why wait for tomorrow? Or are you already in India?? Haha

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Post by maxwake » Fri May 10, 2013 7:00 pm

lets show a big heart not like this person who started this post...selfish person...

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Post by gardazi76 » Mon May 13, 2013 5:48 pm


The person saying that this visa was abused by psw or tier 4 or any other cat i think they also applied from these cat isnt it.

i hate those people who blame others for no reason by saying this other people abused it

UKBA is to blame for and ourselfs also as we want to live in this country to get settled here so every body today or tommrrow will do some thing to secure our future im living in this country for last 8 years did bsc then masters in that time i bought a house also paid 80k for it plus paid for 4 years of study money and travel

when UKBA started this point system that system started when i was in uk so im not blaming any one who abused it UKBA dont know what they doing hiring people which dont know shit about system . and tell u truth the people use fake documents or other people money most of them are fake

but still i wish every body who want to settle here they get there visa my best wishes for them cause they not harming me much yes a bit cause of the wait for not having visa on time was not think at all it will take that much time 6 to 8 months to get the visa cant go further cant sit home doing nothing getting headache every day keep on checking mails had lost so many business in last 4 months now the business not in market

neway finger crossed hope will get visa soon

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Post by amelstar » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:00 am

to ikonda:::::: O you are wrong in so many different ways my little headed fellow human being i dont even want to waste my time in writing you a reason!

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Re: PSWs should not have been given option under £50,000

Post by Extension2013 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:42 am

lkonda wrote:Here is personal opinion regarding PSW visa holders applying for Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa. I know many of you would not like my comments but this is what I think.

UKBA closed Tier 1 General category in 2011. This category was well abused by many of the PSW visa holders. Most of them had no jobs but showed income even upto £75,000 as self employed just by showing transaction or rotating funds into their bank accounts and support this with bad quality income certificates from their accountants.

There was no surprise that UKBA had to close this route as economic situation and new government did not permit this to happen as British public did not like many immigrants settling in UK. Anyways, many of PSW visa holders took the advantages just by doing security jobs, driving jobs and other un-skilled jobs but done proper paperwork to get Tier 1 General.

In April 2012, PSW category was also closed. But by this time thousands of peoples had already PSW visa and had no easy option to extend their visa after 2 years of PSW visa, apart from getting Tier 2 (which is not easy to get as before) or switching back to Tier 4 visa (which is expensive and need attend classes and only suited to applicants completing their 10 years in UK) or going back to their respective countries after saving money from their 2 years of stay and work.

Suddenly in April 2012, poor UKBA allowed PSW visa holders to switch to Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa just by showing £50,000 from their uncles, family members or borrowed money from friends for few days into their bank accounts. Even worse, 2 PSW holders can apply by showing £50,000 combined.

Now, all PSW visa holders saw this opportunity and start working out for this visa. I have read posts on this forum and realised that many of the applicants did not know the paperwork as this visa requires professional and educated stuff. But still almost all of PSW holders managed to arrange companies, share formats for contracts, advertising material, visiting cards, websites and etc. Even many of them did not had idea for choosing occupation, few of them also submitted business plans hesitantly but somehow became The Directors of something overnight.

As UKBA has mentioned that in 2011 there were only 739 applications and in 2012 there are more than 7000 applications (still number of applications are increasing everyday). This led to make UKBA suspicious and they were forced to make changes for rules announced on 30th Jan 2012.

Many of them are still worried and want to work alongside Entrepreneur visa. As their genuine intentions are not for business but to continue living here and ultimately get settlement. That's why these applicants still posting and asking work permission.

Please use common sense and think, doing business in Ahmedabad or Dehli, Lahore, Dhaka, Katmandu, Lagos and Accra require more funds than £50,000.

My point is, it was easiest route left for many of PSW visa holders and whole lot is after Entrepreneur visa. And also I fear people abusing venture capital funding source in near future.

This is only my point of view, you all can have your own.

Please comment.
Dear friend,
Your sympathy and only sympathy with UKBA for whatever reason, at least may be appreciated but your further research/comments are so useless,meaningless and invaluable rather rubbish to be supported giving own comments by wasting time like u or to appreciate your sympathy for UKBA.

I think every person is genuine here and you don't need to show your sympathy for this route.

If you consider yourself more than genuine,why not establish your business in Malaysia,dubai,singapore and china(worldwide business hubs)by sticking here to advise others.
