by ouflak1 » Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:13 pm
Just as an aside point... Is there no way you and your wife could settle on an amicable split of assets on your own, in such a way that doesn't really need to involve lawyers and that a judge can simple stamp the approval of? That makes your situation for more workable. Unfortunately, I don't how UK law works, if it mandates lawyers and 50/50 splits common-sense-be-damned, etc.... I know you've said that she would put up a fight, but you qualified that by effectively saying that she really doesn't necessarily want one. It seems there is some room to work this out.
Anyway, have you actually physically met your Thai girlfriend in person before? This will help.
As far as the 2 year in Thailand possibility, keep in mind that the UK may not recognize any foreign divorce for a variety of reasons. Unless there is a specific agreement in place between these two countries, they are not obligated to.