Ahhh... a bit of background then.
My prospective employer is conducting the RMLT now. According to them, CoS approval (or submission not sure which) is going to happen tomorrow & a CoS ready by first week of October.
On the assumption that CoS will be granted in October, A PEO appointment in October has been booked.
Based on the advice in the above thread, I have not served my notice yet.
Also, since the CoS is still work in progress, [b]I do not know the start date yet.[/b]
Should I be concerned about the start date? Hence my original question.
Since my notice to the current employer could be upto 3 months, should I tell my future employer to say start date on CoS as Jan 1, 2014 or later?
Since it is PEO application, I am making the assumption that visa will be granted on the 14th of October with start date as 14th October.
Obviously this date is well before my notice period ends with my current employer.
My visa with the current employer runs till April 1, 2014 & my future employer would like me to join as soon as legally possible.
Your help & advise is much appreciated.