by a19 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:49 pm
Hi. A friend of mine wants to apply for British citizenship, after being here from 2005on a work permit dependant visa, no longer needed as his country is part of European Union country now. In 2008 he was given a fine in court in uk after driving whilst talking on the phone. So I believe that was spent in 2011, hoping that the recklessness is not taken into consideration. Prior to this, he was convicted outside uk, of robbery for 3months, which he did 2 months for, in 2002 -appeal date and initial conviction date 2000. He got involved in a fight when being 20years old in a club and was accused of stealing another young man's wallet. This conviction was spent in original country a long time ago and also here in 2009. No need to apply for permanent residence as lawfully being here for more than 5years. Does he though stand any chance to gain British citizenship? He has worked really hard since being here, paid all his taxes, studying even to make a better future for himself.
Also, when acquiring his visa in 2005, this was not spent and visa was granted.
Thank you. Your response would be very much appreciated.