newperson - I dont need to get into your personal choices but if your parents were dependent on you and above 65 years of age, it was completely your choice to sponsor them or not.newperson wrote:I'm an immigrant like you. I also have elderly parents. In fact, I'm spending extended leave with my mother right now overseas as she battles an aggressive, terminal cancer.Ranjanx wrote:Would be good in some way if people like you supported me, but at the end of the day its my battle and I'm fighting it.
I took some hard decisions in moving to the UK. Made many sacrifices as well. But I never was under any delusion that I could simply take my parents with me to any country I went to. For me that was part of the pluses and minuses of adult life. I admit, however, that everyone's outlook and priorities are different.
I believe that what you want would be a phenomenal policy disaster for a welfare state like the UK. Totally, completely unworkable. And to be frank, I would do whatever I could--in a polite and civil manner--to prevent it from ever happening.
All I am asking for is the option to apply and make the case for a dependent parent to be brought here, at least for people already settled in UK