by rivercam » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:17 pm
Hello Members
I am happy to tell you all that my ILR on 25th at croydon PEO. I thank you all in this forum as I learnt a lot of valuable stuff from members.
My case is HSMP (2yr)+ Tier 1 (3yr)
I've managed to reschedule my appointment from 13th August to 25th July after I tried every midnight from 3rd July until 15th July (this midnight time and patience to ignore all error message while booking is the trick I learnt from this forum)
Appointment time:10:20 AM croydon PEO
I was allowed inside the building at 9:50 AM, finished security check and appointment details check at the ground floor and given token number and asked to proceed to first floor.
At first floor I paid the fee at then my application was sanity checked like photographs, type of application ,correct fee and signature on declaration page also my photograph was scanned into the system and asked to go for bio metrics at second floor.In total I spent 10 to 15 min at this stage.
At around 10:15, I was called for bio metrics (there are 4 to 5 counters at the very end of 2nd floor which are different from caseworker desks). By 10:25 I finished this process and asked to wait in the seating area.
I spent almost 2.5 hours in waiting to be seen by caseworker and unable to understand several people who came after getting called and processed.(they don't call ticket numbers in strict order-- it all depends on whether you've given bio metrics with your earlier application, family/single appointment and legal rep/individual application etc.
In my case, the delay might be due to my first ever bio metric registration as I had bit of chat with someone's legal rep and he told me some reasons for the delay which are bit convincing. (If someone is giving bio metrics first time, their details need to be uploaded into the central database system and then need to check if applicant is claiming true identity etc...).So don't worry if this is the case with you.
After lunch break, at 1:15 AM I was called by case worker and luckily I was sitting just opposite to him and we both smiled after realizing the coincidence.
I Was asked to hand over application and any supporting documents, I gave 12 month bank statements, 12 pay slips and LIUK Pass certificate, passports and photocopies of all and caseworker told me it will take 45min and asked me to wait anywhere in the seating area, I decided to wait opposite to his window to see the progress.
As I observed him, all he did is first checked with my passport and personal details and then verified my LIUK Results followed by adding my earnings at his pace ( I would say he spent nearly 20 min for this as he entered all these details month by month basis into the system and finally printed something looks like excel spread sheet). He then printed something and signed-- I came to know that is indeed approval letter.
Finally at 2:00 PM he waved his hand and told it was approved and asked me to verify my details and sign the form. Then explained briefly about BRP details and asked if i have any questions/clarifications, I replied NO and thanked him and left the building with sigh of relief.
Overall I Had very good experience and the staff are really polite and helpful. Anyways If anyone need information please feel free to fire your queries, I will try to reply as soon as I can. please do mind that I can only help if your queries are related to employment category and some of the words like invoices, class 2 NI, Dividends are alien to me.
Thank you once again for all of you guys.