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Completing the Resident Labour Market Test. Please help

Only for UK Tier 5 (Temporary work) points system
Also includes the Youth Mobility Scheme Tier 5

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Tom Metzak
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Completing the Resident Labour Market Test. Please help

Post by Tom Metzak » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:47 pm

Hello everyone!
Could anybody help me please??

I'm a circus artist and intend to enter UK under Tier 5(Creative and Sporting) subcategory. I applied for a visa twice but my applications were refused.

The conclusion and reason of refusal in both cases: In the abcense of any documents I am not satisfied that the exemption to the resident labour market test applies as set out in the creative codes of practise listed in Appendix J. Consequently, I have not awarded any points for your certificate of sponsorship in accordance with Paragraphs 105-111 of Appendix A of the Immigration Rules.

Can anyone tell me what documents should I provide as a proof after the RLMT is complete?

The Station Agent
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Re: Completing the Resident Labour Market Test. Please help

Post by The Station Agent » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:40 am

Your UK sponsor should have proved on your CoS that your job could not be done by an EU resident. Or that you are internationally famous.

It sounds from your message as though you might not even have a CoS issued by a UK sponsor. That is a fundamental requirement for this visa. It's down to the sponsor to show on the CoS how you are not taking work that could be done by a resident worker. Or they could show they met the nearest code of practice (theatre performers in your case).
